Monday, May 20, 2019

Upper Body 


Timed Intervals

Timed Intervals are back! This week, you’ll notice the first two days have the same amount of work and rest times, and the third and fourth days have the same amount of work and rest times, that way you don’t get too bored. Friday is Tabata style, to go out with a bang! Work as hard as you can during the “work” intervals, and rest, sip water, take deep breaths during the “rest” intervals.

For today…

Superset style - 45 sec work, 15 sec rest for 5 rounds before moving onto the next superset of exercises.


Supersets (2 exercises back to back) 45 sec work, 15 sec rest x 5

Superset 1:

  1. Plank Up + Pushup

  2. Wallsit Frontal Raises

Superset 2:

  1. DB Squat Curl Press Jack

  2. Bear Uni Rev Fly  

Superset 3:

  1. Pushup + DB Pull through

  2. Lunging DB Bent Over Row + 3 Jump Lunges


  1. Plank up + Pushup


  • Perform your plank ups with control, abs tight and pelvis tucked slightly.

  • Make sure your wrists stay stacked under your shoulders the entire time.

  • Make sure your butt stays down throughout the entire movement.

  • For the pushup, try to get chest all the way down to the ground.

  • Regression: Widen stance or drop to knees.

  • Challenge: Do on a decline.


2. Wallsit Frontal Raises


  • Choose light DB’s.

  • Press entire back (including low back) into wall.

  • Make sure your knees are directly over your ankles (legs should form a 90 degree angle)

  • Do not swing the weights up, control them on the way up and down.

  • Do not lift weights higher than shoulder height.

  • Regression: Perform a squat to frontal raise instead of holding a wallsit.

  • Challenge: Single Leg Wallsit + Frontal Raises


Superset 2:

  1. DB Squat Curl Press Jack


  • Light DB’s to start.

  • Keep neutral hand position the entire time (palms facing in towards your body).

  • Abs braced the entire time.

  • Regression: Take out the jumping jack and either just press overhead, or if you can’t press, perform a frontal or lateral raise for your shoulders.

  • Challenge: Heavier DB’s.


2. Bear Uni Rev Fly


  • Use light DB.

  • Keep knees directly under hips, and wrists directly under shoulders.

  • Core should be tight, with pelvis tucked under slightly (no arch in your back) and shoulders pulled down your back.

  • Knees should be to a hover above the mat.

  • Slight bend in your arm holding the DB, squeezing your shoulder blade back to meet the other.

  • Regression: Drop to your knees.

  • Challenge: Heavier DB.


Superset 3:

  1. Pushup + DB Pull through


  • Choose a light DB.

  • Keep dumbbell to the side and slightly back of your left hand.

  • Perform a pushup, then with your right hand, grab the dumbbell and pull it across to your right side.

  • Regression: Widen feet and/or drop to knees.

  • Challenge: Heavier DB.


2. Lunging DB Bent Over Row + 3 Jump Lunges


  • Light DB’s to start.

  • 3 Bent Over Row + 3 Lunge Jumps = 1 rep. You’re alternating which leg is in front for the bent over rows.

  • Make sure you keep your chest almost completely on your thigh as you perform the bent over rows.

  • Regression: Lighter DB’s or take out the lunge jumps and just perform 3 reverse lunges.

  • Challenge: Heavier DB’s.