Friday, May 24, 2019
Total Body HIIT
Timed Intervals
Timed Intervals are back! This week, you’ll notice the first two days have the same amount of work and rest times, and the third and fourth days have the same amount of work and rest times, that way you don’t get too bored. Friday is Tabata style, to go out with a bang! Work as hard as you can during the “work” intervals, and rest, sip water, take deep breaths during the “rest” intervals.
For today…
Tabata Style (supersets) - 8 min rounds, 20 sec on 10 off for 16 rounds!! You will be alternating through two exercises before moving on.
Tabata Style (supersets) - 8 min rounds, 20 sec on 10 off x 16, alternating through two exercises
Superset 1:
Bear Alt Knee Taps
Lateral Lunge + Cross Body Crunch
Superset 2:
Plank Kick throughs
DB Split Jumps
Superset 3:
Banded High Plank Crunches
Broad Jump + High Knees
Superset 1
Bear Alt Knee Taps
Keep wrists stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips.
Knees are hovering above the ground.
Try to keep hips from rocking as you lift your hand to tap your knee.
Alternate hands.
Regression: Bear Position Hold for 30 seconds
Challenge: Plank Knee Taps (same concept but in a plank instead of bear pose)
2. Lateral Lunge + Cross Body Crunch
Keep both feet pointing straight forward the entire time.
Push hips back as you descend into the side lunge.
As you stand and crunch, press through your heels.
Try to make contact with your elbow and opposite knee.
Regression: Take out the lunge if it’s too much on your knees and try a squat instead.
Superset 2
Plank Kick throughs
Start in a “bear” position, wrists stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips. Lift your leg hand and start to pivot over towards the left side while you kick your right leg through.
It’s always opposite arm and leg doing the work.
This will light up your core, shoulders, and quads.
Regression: Bear position hold or bear shoulder taps
Challenge: Go faster and try to dip your hip down towards the floor.
2. DB Split Jumps
Start with light DB’s.
Jump straight up in the air and point through the toes.
Land with back knee hovering above the ground.
Regression: No weights, and/or no jumping.
Challenge: Heavy weights
Superset 3
Banded High Plank Crunches
Start with a light resistance band around the tops of your feet.
Keep wrists stacked under shoulders the entire time.
From the plank position, abduct your foot out to the side, then crunch your knee in towards your elbow.
Regression: No band or elevate hands onto a chair/bench.
Challenge: heavier band
2. Broad Jump + High Knees
Drop down into a squat, swing arms back behind you and then explode forward as far as you can jump.
Land in a squat and immediately go into just a few high knees each side (count to 3 or 4).
Regression: Squat, then jog in place for a few seconds.