Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Super simple protocol for this week. You’ll be performing a certain number of reps for as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes. Rest up to 1 minute between rounds. If you are craving more of a challenge, you could increase the reps by 2-3 each round. Set a timer for 30 minutes and get to work!
For today…
10 Reps for the entire 30 minutes of your workout. You can increase the reps by 2-3 each round if you want more of a challenge.
10 reps
Plank Kick throughs
Suitcase Squat
Side Shuffles
Choose light dumbbells to start. If you’re used to this movement, go with the heavier DB’s.
Using that hip hinge again, reach hips back behind you while maintaining a slight bend in your knees.
Keep DB’s as close to your legs are possible throughout the movement.
You can stop mid-shin with the weights.
Regression: Stop right under the knees.
Challenge: Slow 5 seconds on the eccentric.
2. Plank Kick throughs
Start in a “bear” position, wrists stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips. Lift your leg hand and start to pivot over towards the left side while you kick your right leg through.
It’s always opposite arm and leg doing the work.
This will light up your core, shoulders, and quads.
Regression: Bear position hold or bear shoulder taps
Challenge: Go faster and try to dip your hip down towards the floor.
3. Suitcase Squat
Perform move with DB on one side for 10 reps, and repeat with DB on other side for another 10 reps.
Choose a heavy DB for this exercise, and you will feel this a ton more in not only your legs but your opposite side (obliques baby!!!).
Try to stay as upright as possible, don’t let the DB pull you down towards the ground.
Regression: Lighter DB.
Challenge: Heavier DB and/or add a band above knees.
4. Side Shuffles
Stay in an athletic stance, hips dropped slightly.
Shuffle side to side (2-3 steps per side) as quickly as possible.
Regression: Stay low and step it out slowly.
Challenge: Add a band around ankles, add a squat at the end of each side shuffle and/or hold a DB at your chest.