Friday, May 17, 2019
Total Body HIIT
Super simple protocol for this week. You’ll be performing a certain number of reps for as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes. Rest up to 1 minute between rounds. If you are craving more of a challenge, you could increase the reps by 2-3 each round. Set a timer for 30 minutes and get to work!
For today…
20 Reps for the entire first round, then go down by 2 reps each round for the entire 30 minutes of your workout.
20 reps, decrease by 2 each round.
Banded Rev Tabletop Kick outs
Pushup Frog Hop
Plank Punches
Rev Lunge Hop
Banded Rev Tabletop Kick outs
Start with a light band around your shins.
Keep your lower back pushed down into the mat the entire time! Ribs pulled down.
Regression: Lighter band or when you kick out, kick up higher versus lower.
Challenge: Heavier band or kick lower towards the ground.
2. Pushup Frog Hop
Just like a burpee with a pushup, except you won’t stand after you land in a squat.
Keep elbows back at 45 degrees.
Make sure chest lowers all the way down, and your butt stays down in line with your head.
Land in a wide squat with knees behind toes, weight in the heels.
Regression: Walk into a squat after your pushup and/or drop to the knees for the pushup.
3. Plank Punches
Keep a flat back, pelvis tucked slightly.
Entire core should be engaged.
If hips are rocking side to side at all, widen your feet.
Alternate punching with one arm and the other, making sure to full extend the arm out.
Regression: Drop to knees or widen stance.
Challenge: Feet closer together.
4. Rev Lunge Hop
Step back into a reverse lunge. Stand up by powering through your front planted leg, and drive the back knee up towards your chest.
Add a hop at the top of the movement if you can.
Try to use your arms to help generate momentum and power. (Think of it as sprinters’ arms. It should come naturally to you).
Regression: Take out the hop.
Challenge: Add more reps.