Monday, April 29, 2019
Upper Body
14 min AMRAP’s
So, set your timer for 14 minutes and work as quickly as you can down your
list of exercises and continue repeating rounds until time runs out.
For today…
Perform each move in order for the prescribed reps. Rest up to one minute between 14 min AMRAP’s.
14 min AMRAP 1 - 10 Reps Per Move
DB (T) Alt. Glute Bridge Chest Press (Neutral to Narrow)
DB Kneeling Around the Worlds
Full Release Pushups + W Squeeze
Slow Mountain Climbers (ea)
Tricep Dip + Kick (T)
14 min AMRAP 2 - 10 Reps Per Move
DB Single Arm Unsupported Bent Over Row (ea)
Banded DB Bicep Curls
Bear or Tabletop Uni Rev Fly (ea)
Frogger Bicep Curl
14 min AMRAP 1: Chest/Tri’s/Shoulders Focus/Rectus Abdominis Focus
10 Reps Per Move
DB (T) Alt. Glute Bridge Chest Press (Neutral to Narrow)
Start with your lighter pair of dumbbells and progress from there as needed.
Keep your knees and ankles in alignment through the movement, be careful of feet being too far in front or too close to your hips.
Actively press hips up while you alternate between a neutral (palms facing in at 45 degrees) and narrow (palms facing in at each other) grip chest press.
Regression: Keep your hips on the floor
Challenge: Heavier weights or lift one leg up for a single leg bridge
2. DB Kneeling Around the Worlds
Set yourself up in a kneeling position where your hips are off your calves, stacked over your knees. This way you are forced to engage your entire core (glutes and abs) to stay still.
Try to control the weight… don’t let it control you.
Use light dumbbells to start.
Regression (for shoulder injuries): Depending what your injury is, you may be able to perform bent arm lateral raises or external rotations (both have been linked with exercise demos).
Challenge: Count to 5 on the eccentric (the way down) of each rep.
3. Full Release Pushups + W Squeeze
Make sure your wrists are stacked right under your shoulders at all times, NOT out in front of you.
Keep feet hip width apart if on your toes, and slowly lower yourself all the way down to your stomach.
If on your knees, keep your head and hips in a straight line, don’t let your butt get “lost in space” behind ya hehe. ;)
For that “W” squeeze, squeeze your low back and your shoulder blades together to lift your chest up off the ground.
Regression: Stay on knees for pushup.
Challenge: Add 2 plank jacks at the top of each pushup.
4. Slow Mountain Climbers (ea)
Wrists stay stacked under shoulders.
Tuck your hips under into a slight posterior pelvic tilt.
Core and shoulders stay strong the entire time.
Draw navel in and slowly alternate bringing knees into chest.
Regression: Hands on a bench
Challenge: Decline mountain climbers (feet on bench)
5. Tricep Dip + Kick (T)
Keep fingertips pointed towards your feet and elbows pointed straight back behind you.
Your core is worked a ton here in order to balance on one foot and hand, so make sure you’re properly engaging those muscles.
Regression: Perform the dip as usual and for the kick keep both hands on the ground while you kick one leg up into the air.
Challenge: Keep Leg Straight (super tough)
14 min AMRAP 2: Back/Bi’s/Low Ab Focus
10 Reps Per Move
DB Single Arm Unsupported Bent Over Row (ea)
Keep hips square and chest square towards the ground (try not to open chest up to one side)
Keep as flat of a back as possible.
Slight bend in the knees.
Pull shoulder back and engage lats before initiating the row.
Choose lighter DB to start.
Regression: Support with other hand on knee (legs in a split stance) or hand on bench.
Challenge: Bend over lower or lower down slowly for 5 seconds on the eccentric.
2. Banded DB Bicep Curls
Keep constant tension in the band.
Slight bend in your knees.
Pull shoulders back the entire time.
Choose lighter DB’s to start.
Regression: Get rid of band.
Challenge: Balance on one leg.
3. Bear or Tabletop Uni Rev Fly (ea)
Choose lighter DB.
Assume “bear position” with knees stacked under hips and wrists under shoulders.
Keep your hips as square to the ground as possible as you fly the DB back, squeezing your rear delt.
Regression: Drop knees down.
4. Frogger Bicep Curl
Choose light DB’s to start.
Sort of like a half burpee, start in a high plank with the DB’s under your shoulders, and hop into a squat with your feet wide and flat on the ground.
Glue your elbows into the crooks of your knees as you assume position for the bicep curl.
Regression: Step the movement out vs. hopping.