Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Upper Body
So, set your timer for (in today’s case) 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds and stick with just one exercise for all 8 rounds before moving down the list. Your goal is to work as hard as you can during those work intervals so that by the time you complete the 8th round, you couldn’t imagine doing anymore.
For today…
We’re doing the traditional Tabata timing today and tomorrow before I add some variation to it! 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest x 8. You can rest up to 1 minute between Tabatas.
20 seconds work - 10 seconds rest x 8 of ONE EXERCISE ONLY
(ea) Wrist Banded Plank Alt. Step Outs (Out, In, Out, In)
1 DB - Burpee with Pushup + Snatch
Plank Alt Rows
DB Glute Bridge Chest Fly
Plank pike ups
DB Thrusters
Tabata Intervals
(ea) Wrist Banded Plank Alt. Step Outs (Out, In, Out, In)
Light mini band around wrists.
Assume plank position with wrists under shoulders and hips down.
Feet can be wide for stability.
Regression: Drop to knees and/or no band.
Challenge: Heavier band or feet closer together.
2. DB Burpee with Pushup + Snatch
Use heavy DB.
Alternate which hand holds the DB.
Keep a straight line from head to toes when you hop out into the plank.
Hop into a squat as you come back from the plank.
Make sure your snatch is one fluid movement - use your hips to power the DB all the from the ground to overhead.
Regression: Take out all the hops and/or use a lighter DB.
Challenge: Heavier DB.
3. Plank Alt Rows
Choose light DB’s to start.
When you get in your plank, start with your feet wider than hip width for balance.
Try not to let your hips rock side to side. Keep glutes squeezed, pelvis tucked slightly.
Make sure wrists are directly underneath your shoulders.
Regression: Widen stance of feet or drop to knees.
Challenge: Bring feet closer together.
4. DB Glute Bridge Chest Fly
Choose light DB’s.
Keep hips lifted so that hips, knees and ankles are in alignment with one another.
Make sure not to bend your arms too much here. You want a micro bend in those elbows so your arms aren’t locked out, but aren’t bent either.
Regression: Drop hips.
Challenge: Single Leg Glute Bridge (switch halfway through)
5. Plank pike ups
Starting in a low plank on your forearms, ensure that your elbows are stacked under your shoulders and your back is flat. Feet can be as wide as necessary.
Using your lower abdominals and your deep ab muscles (your TVA) you will lift your hips up in a “pike” or an upside down V, and slowly come back to the starting position.
Regression: Plank hold
Challenge: If you have sliders, or a towel with a wood or tile floor, you can perform sliding pikes in a high plank (linked a video)
6. DB Thrusters
See if you can use heavy DB’s for at least the first few rounds.
DB’s never go lower than shoulder height.
Use your hips (glutes) to propel you up out of that squat and explosively press the weights up. Your butt should be working a lot more than your shoulders should be.
Regression: Lighter DB’s, no pressing over head if you have shoulder issue (could just do power squats).