Monday, July 22, 2019
Quads + Glutes
Work as hard as you can during your short bursts of work, rest for half the time you worked, then go again! Traditionally, Tabata is 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest in between rounds of the same exercise for 8 rounds (4 minutes straight). You’ll never want to do that exercise again once you get through all 8 rounds! This week we will vary the times of the intervals but rest assured you’ll always have double the time to work that you do to rest (it’s hard, but so worth it).
For today…
30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest x 6 rounds
Perform each exercise for 6 rounds - 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Stick with ONE exercise for the entire 6 rounds. THEN you can move onto the next exercise. You are not just going down the list for the 6 rounds.
Rest up to 1 minute between exercises.
Squat Jumps
DB Thrusters
DB’s Alternating Rev Lunge + Curtsy Lunge
DB Goblet Sumo Squat
Jump Lunge Jump Lunge Jump Squat
Squat Jumps
Keep weight in the heels, push hips back as you lower down to parallel.
Explode up through the toes as you jump up and swing arms up towards the sky.
Regression: Take the jump out and just squat quickly.
2. DB Thrusters
Try to use heavy DB’s.
DB’s never go lower than shoulder height.
Use your hips (glutes) to propel you up out of that squat and explosively press the weights up. Your butt should be working a lot more than your shoulders should be.
Regression: Lighter DB’s, no pressing over head if you have shoulder issue (could just do power squats).
3. DB’s Alternating Rev Lunge + Curtsy Lunge
Try heavy DB’s to start.
Alternate between a curtsy lunge - reaching foot behind and across - and a reverse lunge.
Try to drop your back knee almost all the way down to the floor.
Regression: Dumbbells by your side or body weight.
4. DB Goblet Sumo Squat
Heavy DB.
Just like a goblet squat, you’ll hold the weight at your chest, keep core braced, and drop straight down into a squat.
Keep weight in the heels and big toes, and make sure your legs are much wider than normal, with toes pointed outwards.
Regression: Lighter DB.
Challenge: Heavier DB and/or add a hop at the top.
5. Jump Lunge Jump Lunge Jump Squat
Perform a jump lunge on each leg and then a jump squat. Keep alternating through these.
Keep your front knee behind your toes, and as you jump up, explode up pointing through the toes.
Regression: Perform a lunge on each side and then a squat.
Challenge: Add DB’s.