Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Upper Body
You’ll have two moves to perform back to back nonstop for a certain number of rounds or time before moving onto the next superset. This is a more challenging protocol because of the minimal rest. If you’re a beginner, please try not to rest between exercises but rest as much as you need after you’ve performed both moves before repeating.
For today…
(Should take about 12 min per superset)
5 Rounds per superset - 20, 15, 10, 15, 20 reps
5 Rounds per superset - 20, 15, 10, 15, 20 reps
Long band (twisted) Upright Row
DB Sumo Squat to Bicep Curl
Chest Press + Leg Kickout
Plank up + pushup
Finisher: 60 sec work, 15 sec rest x 3 - Cross body mountain climbers
Long band (twisted) Upright Row
Use a light or medium long band.
Make sure it is twisted from the bottom. Otherwise it will be too long, therefore it will be too easy.
Initiate the movement with your elbows, and make sure not to break at the wrists.
Regression: lighter band.
Challenge: Heavier band or use DB’s.
2. DB Sumo Squat to Bicep Curl
Heavy DB’s if possible.
Feet should be much wider than shoulder or hip width… Toes pointed out to side.
Press through all 4 corners of feet to stand.
Don’t let shoulders round forward as you curl.
Try to keep chest upright the entire time.
Regression: Lighter DB’s.
Chest Press + Leg Kickout
Use Heavy DB’s if you can.
Keep low back pressed into the mat.
Knees come in simultaneously as you press the weights up, and you kick your legs out in front as you lower the weights.
Palms face in at 45 degrees.
Pull shoulders down and back.
Regression: Plant feet on the floor or lighter DB’s.
Challenge: Straight leg lifts.
2. Plank up + pushup
Perform your plank ups with control, abs tight and pelvis tucked slightly.
Make sure your wrists stay stacked under your shoulders the entire time.
Make sure your butt stays down throughout the entire movement.
For the pushup, try to get chest all the way down to the ground.
Regression: Widen stance or drop to knees.
Challenge: Do on a decline.
60 sec work, 15 sec rest - 3 rounds
1. Cross Body Mountain Climbers
Keep wrists stacked under shoulders.
Keep back flat.
Get a big twist from your opposite knee and elbow to really get into those obliques.
Go as fast as possible with good form.
Regression: Hands on a bench.