Friday, July 19, 2019

Conditioning + Core



You’ll have two moves to perform back to back nonstop for a certain number of rounds or time before moving onto the next superset. This is a more challenging protocol because of the minimal rest. If you’re a beginner, please try not to rest between exercises but rest as much as you need after you’ve performed both moves before repeating.

For today…

Tabata Style (supersets) - 8 min rounds, 20 sec on 10 off x 16, alternating through two exercises


Tabata Style (supersets) - 8 min rounds, 20 sec on 10 off x 16, alternating through two exercises

Superset 1:

  1. Bear Alt Knee Taps

  2.  DB Squat Curl Press Jack

Superset 2:

  1. Plank Kick throughs

  2. DB Split Jumps

Superset 3:

  1. Banded High Plank Crunches

  2.  Burpees


  1. Bear Alt Knee Taps


  • Keep wrists stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips.

  • Knees are hovering above the ground.

  • Try to keep hips from rocking as you lift your hand to tap your knee.

  • Alternate hands.

  • Regression: Bear Position Hold for 30 seconds

  • Challenge: Plank Knee Taps (same concept but in a plank instead of bear pose)


2.  DB Squat Curl Press Jack


  • Light DB’s to start.

  • Keep neutral hand position the entire time (palms facing in towards your body).

  • Abs braced the entire time.

  • Regression: Take out the jumping jack and either just press overhead, or if you can’t press, perform a frontal or lateral raise for your shoulders.

  • Challenge: Heavier DB’s.



  1. Plank Kick throughs


  • Start in a “bear” position, wrists stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips. Lift your leg hand and start to pivot over towards the left side while you kick your right leg through.

  • It’s always opposite arm and leg doing the work.

  • This will light up your core, shoulders, and quads.

  • Regression: Bear position hold or bear shoulder taps

  • Challenge: Go faster and try to dip your hip down towards the floor.


2. DB Split Jumps


  • Start with light DB’s.

  • Jump straight up in the air and point through the toes.

  • Land with back knee hovering above the ground.

  • Regression: No weights, and/or no jumping.

  • Challenge: Heavy weights



1. Banded High Plank Crunches


  • Start with a light resistance band around the tops of your feet.

  • Keep wrists stacked under shoulders the entire time.

  • From the plank position, abduct your foot out to the side, then crunch your knee in towards your elbow.

  • Regression: No band or elevate hands onto a chair/bench.

  • Challenge: heavier band


2.  Burpees


  • No pushup or jump in these burpees (yay!)

  • Simply hop out to plank, hop into a squat, and stand up.

  • Regression: Walk out the movement vs hopping.

  • Challenge: Add pushup and hop.