Thursday, July 4, 2019

Red, White and Glutes! (and hamstrings)


TUT - AKA Time Under Tension

This means exactly what it sounds like… We will be putting your muscles under a lot of extra time under tension this week. Think: pause reps, pulses, iso holds, etc.

Get ready to feel the burn!

For today…

Unilateral focus - iso holds and pulse reps

15 reps per move AMRAP 30 minutes


15 reps per move - AMRAP 30 minutes

  1. Single leg RDL - 1 ½ reps (each rep you go all the way down, half way up, all the way down, all the way up, so you pulse at the bottom of each rep)

  2. DB Donkey Kicks  - 15 normal reps + 15 pulses

  3. Banded Uni Glute Bridge - 15 reps + 30 sec iso hold ea 

  4. Single Leg Burpee

  1. Single leg RDL - 1 ½ reps (each rep you go all the way down, half way up, all the way down, all the way up, so you pulse at the bottom of each rep) (ea)


  • The “1 and 1/2” reps concept is not shown in the video.

  • Try using a heavy DB.

  • Hold DB in opposite side hand from the foot that is planted down. So if your right foot is planted, left leg lifted, hold the DB in your leg hand.

  • Try to keep your hips square towards the ground and the pinky toe of your lifted foot should be angled down the entire time.

  • Stare at one spot in front of you that doesn’t move to help with balance, along with bracing your core and squeezing your glute.

  • Regression: Hold onto something while you perform or get rid of weights.

  • Challenge: Two DB’s or a heavier DB.


2. DB Donkey Kicks  - 15 normal reps + 15 pulses (ea)


  • 15 pulses not shown in video.

  • Use heavy DB behind knee if you can.

  • Wrists stay stacked under shoulders, knees under hips.

  • Slight posterior pelvic tilt (tuck hips under and engage abs)

  • Flex working foot, and slowly lift up only until you feel your glute contract.

  • Try not to arch your back in this movement.

  • Regression: Lighter DB or no DB.


3. Banded Uni Glute Bridge - 15 reps + 30 sec iso hold (ea) 


  • 30 sec iso hold not shown in video

  • Start with a light or medium band if you’re new to this move, otherwise grab a heavy mini band.

  • Keep knees stacked over ankles.

  • Chin stays tucked, arms out to the side or bent at your side.

  • Keep the lifted leg at a 90 degree angle, foot flexed.

  • Get a nice 2 second squeeze at the top of each rep.

  • Be careful not to have the ribs flaring out.

  • Regression: No band or lighter band.

  • Challenge: Heavy band + elevate feet on a bench.


4. Single Leg Burpee (ea)


  • Just like a normal burpee, but with one leg! ;)

  • This will hit your hamstrings a lot more than a normal burpee would.

  • Regression: Double leg burpee (can take hops out as needed) or place hands on a chair/step/bench.