Monday, July 1, 2019

Quads and Glutes


TUT - AKA Time Under Tension

This means exactly what it sounds like… We will be putting your muscles under a lot of extra time under tension this week. Think: pause reps, pulses, iso holds, etc.

Get ready to feel the burn!

For today…

Perform each superset (there’s 3) for AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes. There’s an isolation hold or a pulse for the first move of each superset - and this won’t be shown in the youtube video.


Perform each superset for AMRAP in 10 minutes

Superset 1: 

Decrease Reps by 2 each round

  • 20 Banded DB Squats - straight into 20 banded DB squat pulses (not shown in video)

  • 20 Banded Squat Jacks

Superset 2:

*Do both moves on one leg first then on the next round switch legs* 

  • 10 Reps (ea) DB Alternating Rev Lunge and Curtsy Lunge - straight into 10 Curtsy Lunge Pulses

  • 20 (ea) Mini Banded Skater Lunges

Superset 3:

30 seconds ea 

  1. Banded Glute Bridges straight into Banded Glute Bridge Hold (not shown in video)

  2. 25 Banded Glute Bridge Abductions


Decrease Reps for each exercise by 2 each round

  1. 20 Banded DB Squats straight into 20 banded DB squat pulses (not shown in video


  • Choose heavy DB’s.

  • Press knees out into band.

  • Pull shoulders down and back, and try to keep chest upright as much as possible while squatting.

  • As you descend into the squat, ensure your big toes and heels are pressing down into the ground.

  • Regression: No band and/or weights.

  • Challenge: Heavier weights or make it a squat jump with DB’s and band on.


2. 20 Banded Squat Jacks


  • Place medium to heavy mini band above knees.

  • When you hop feet out wide, immediately land into a squat with your knees behind your toes.

  • Try to keep the transition between jump feet together and landing back in a squat quick.

  • Regression: No band, OR keep band on and step out into a squat and step back to center, alternating legs.

  • Challenge: Add a weight.



*Do both moves on one leg first then on the next round switch legs* 

  1. 10 Reps (ea) DB’s (at shoulders) Alternating Rev Lunge and Curtsy Lunge - straight into 10 Curtsy Lunge Pulses (not shown in video)


  • Try heavy DB’s to start.

  • Alternate between a curtsy lunge - reaching foot behind and across - and a reverse lunge.

  • Try to drop your back knee almost all the way down to the floor.

  • Regression: Dumbbells by your side or body weight.


2. 20 (ea) Mini Banded Skater Lunges


  • This is super similar to the banded skaters we’ve done, except you’ll lunge all the way down after you jump.

  • Try a medium or heavy mini band.

  • Drive off the standing leg and jump as far as you can laterally.

  • Regression: Lighter band or take out the hop - you can just step side to side with a lunge.



Perform each move for 30 Seconds Each

  1. Banded Glute Bridge straight into Banded Glute Bridge Hold (not shown in video)


  • Start with a light or medium band if you’re new to this move, otherwise grab a heavy mini band.

  • Keep knees stacked over ankles.

  • Chin stays tucked, arms out to the side or bent at your side.

  • Get a nice 2 second squeeze at the top of each rep.

  • Be careful not to have the ribs flaring out.

  • Regression: No band or lighter band.

  • Challenge: Heavy band + elevate feet on a bench.


2. Banded Glute Bridge Abductions


  • Start with a light band above your knees and progress from there.

  • Keep ankles stacked under knees, and hips lifted high into a glute bridge the entire time.

  • You’re squeezing the sides of your glutes to press out into the band.

  • Regression: Lighter or no band OR drop hips.

  • Challenge: Heavier band and/or prop feet up on a bench or chair.