Friday, July 5, 2019
Conditioning + Core
TUT - AKA Time Under Tension
This means exactly what it sounds like… We will be putting your muscles under a lot of extra time under tension this week. Think: pause reps, pulses, iso holds, etc.
Get ready to feel the burn!
For today…
Sweat out all your Fourth of July woes! 4 rounds of one exercise, then move onto the next. 60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. There will be eccentric moves, pauses, and pulses included!
** Eccentric = Lower down as slowly as you can, about 3-5 seconds**
60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest (same move for 4 rounds)
DB Thrusters - eccentric
Side Shuffles
Eccentric Pushups
Banded Bicycles - 3 sec pause at top of each crunch
Ankle Banded Jumping Jacks
DB Thrusters - eccentric (not shown in video)
Slowly lower down (about 3-5 sec) into your squat, then explode up into a press.
See if you can use heavy DB’s for at least the first few rounds.
DB’s never go lower than shoulder height.
Use your hips (glutes) to propel you up out of that squat and explosively press the weights up. Your butt should be working a lot more than your shoulders should be.
Regression: Lighter DB’s, no pressing over head if you have shoulder issue (could just do power squats).
2. Side Shuffles
Stay in an athletic stance, hips dropped slightly.
Shuffle side to side (2-3 steps per side) as quickly as possible.
Regression: Stay low and step it out slowly.
Challenge: Add a band around ankles, add a squat at the end of each side shuffle and/or hold a DB at your chest.
3. Eccentric Pushups
Keep wrists under shoulders, straight line head to toes.
Slowly lower down (3-5 seconds) until you’re completely flat on your stomach. Lift your hands for a second then push back up.
Regression: Stay on the knees.
4. Banded Bicycles - 3 sec pause at top of each crunch
Pause not shown in video. As elbow and knee touch, pause for 3 seconds. Then switch.
Choose a light mini band to start.
Place mini band around tops of shoe laces.
Try to lift your opposite shoulder off the ground as high as it will go and reach elbow for the outside of your opposite knee.
Don’t rush these, take your time for maximum benefit.
Regression: No mini band.
Challenge: Heavier Band
5. Ankle Banded Jumping Jacks
Just like a normal jumping jack, but with added resistance.
Hop those legs out as far as they’ll go. Definitely don’t choose too heavy of a band for these, we still want good range of motion.
Make sure arms come all the way up overhead.
Regression: No mini band and/or step it out one side at a time.
Challenge: Hold light DB’s in hands.