Thursday, August 22, 2019
Lower Body
This week we will focus on maximizing our power with every move. Whether that means jumping as high as we can in a jump squat, or emphasizing the eccentric portion (lowering portion) of an exercise.
For today…
30 minute AMRAP (“As many rounds as possible”). Complete as many rounds as you can in 30 minutes, resting minimally until you’ve finished a full round.
30 min AMRAP
10 (ea) DB Alternating Deadlift
20 Squat Jumps
10 (ea) DB Suitcase Squat
10 (ea) Rev Lunge + Hop
10 (ea) DB Alternating Deadlift
Heavy DB.
Just like a normal deadlift, except you’ll alternate which hand is holding the dumbbell every time you stand.
Let hips and chest drop as you reach for the ground.
Press through heels, squeeze glutes, hamstrings and quads to stand.
Regression: Lighter DB.
2. 20 Squat Jumps
Keep weight in the heels, push hips back as you lower down to parallel.
Explode up through the toes as you jump up and swing arms up towards the sky.
Regression: Take the jump out and just squat quickly.
3. 10 (ea) DB Suitcase Squat
Perform move with DB on one side for 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds and repeat with DB on other side for another 30 seconds.
Choose a heavy DB for this exercise, and you will feel this a ton more in not only your legs but your opposite side (obliques baby!!!).
Try to stay as upright as possible, don’t let the DB pull you down towards the ground.
Regression: Lighter DB.
Challenge: Heavier DB and/or add a band above knees.
4. 10 (ea) Rev Lunge + Hop
Step back into a reverse lunge. Stand up by powering through your front planted leg, and drive the back knee up towards your chest.
Add a hop at the top of the movement if you can.
Try to use your arms to help generate momentum and power. (Think of it as sprinters’ arms. It should come naturally to you).
Regression: Take out the hop.
Challenge: Add more reps.