Friday, August 23, 2019
Conditioning + Core
This week we will focus on maximizing our power with every move. Whether that means jumping as high as we can in a jump squat, or emphasizing the eccentric portion (lowering portion) of an exercise.
For today…
60 sec, 50 sec, 40 sec, 30 sec work with 12 seconds rest between moves
Frogger Bicep Curl
DB Clean to Rev Lunge
Wide Plie Squat Jumps (on toes)
DB Russian Twists
Frogger Bicep Curl
Choose light DB’s to start.
Sort of like a half burpee, start in a high plank with the DB’s under your shoulders, and hop into a squat with your feet wide and flat on the ground.
Glue your elbows into the crooks of your knees as you assume position for the bicep curl.
Regression: Step the movement out vs. hopping.
2. DB Clean to Rev Lunge
Start with light or moderate DB.
Hold DB in hand of the same side leg that will go back into the Rev Lunge.
Cleans are performed by squeezing your glutes and snapping your hips up as quickly as possible from the squat to standing. Your arm has minimize work to do.
Regression: Just the reverse lunge holding DB at shoulder.
Challenge: Heavier weight..
3. Wide Plie Squat Jumps (on toes)
Just like a sumo squat jump, except your heels stay off the ground.
Assume a wide, sumo stance position with your toes pointed out.
Explode up through the toes and as you land back into another squat, stay on your toes (it will feel unnatural).
Regression: Take the jump out or let your heels touch the ground.
4. DB Russian Twists
Hold DB by its ends, keeping it close to your chest.
Make sure you lean back slightly to really engage your core.
Keep elbows flared out to the sides, making sure to get as big as a twist as possible.
Try to keep hips stable and legs from rocking side to side, even if that means keeping your feet on the ground.
Regression: Feet down. And/or no weight.
Challenge: Legs straight and/or heavier weight.