Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Conditioning + Core
This week we are focusing on much higher repetitions. This means you’ll need to choose a lighter weight option than you usually would for most exercises. Practice good form most importantly. :)
For today…
ONE MOVE FOR ALL 4 ROUNDS, then move onto the next:
60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest x 4
ONE MOVE FOR ALL 4 ROUNDS, then move onto the next: 60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest x 4
DB Split Jumps
DB Single Leg V up to Double Leg V up
Banded Glute Bridge Abductions
Squat Jumps
Bear Alt Knee Taps
DB Split Jumps
Start with light DB’s.
Jump straight up in the air and point through the toes.
Land with back knee hovering above the ground.
Regression: No weights, and/or no jumping.
Challenge: Heavy weights
2. DB Single Leg V up to Double Leg V up
Try to get entire back up off the ground and form a “V” with your body.
Perform one single side V-up on each side + one double leg V-up.
Lead with your legs.
Regression: No DB or Keep legs bent and back on the ground and crunch into a ball and then slowly lower heels towards the ground.
3. Banded Glute Bridge Abductions
Start with a light band above your knees and progress from there.
Keep ankles stacked under knees, and hips lifted high into a glute bridge the entire time.
You’re squeezing the sides of your glutes to press out into the band.
Regression: Lighter or no band OR drop hips.
Challenge: Heavier band and/or prop feet up on a bench or chair.
4. Squat Jumps
Keep weight in the heels, push hips back as you lower down to parallel.
Explode up through the toes as you jump up and swing arms up towards the sky.
Regression: Take the jump out and just squat quickly.
5. Bear Alt Knee Taps
Keep wrists stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips.
Knees are hovering above the ground.
Try to keep hips from rocking as you lift your hand to tap your knee.
Alternate hands.
Regression: Bear Position Hold for 30 seconds
Challenge: Plank Knee Taps (same concept but in a plank instead of bear pose)