Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Conditioning Focus
Focus will be on ascending and descending rep “ladders”. For example, for one circuit you might start with 8 reps per move, then increase by 2 reps each round until you get to 16. So you’d do 8 reps, 10 reps, 12 reps, 14 reps, and 16 reps of each move in order. So 8 pushups, 8 situps, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 12 and 12… to 16.
For today…
You will start at 20 reps, decrease by 5 ea round until you get to 5 reps. If time permits, go back up the ladder.
20 Reps - decrease by 5 ea round. Go back up ladder if time permits.
DB Sumo Squat to Bicep Curl
Burpee with Pushup + Alt Snatch
Bear alt Hand lateral taps
High Boat to Low Boat
Broad Jump + High Knees
DB Sumo Squat to Bicep Curl
Heavy DB’s if possible.
Feet should be much wider than shoulder or hip width… Toes pointed out to side.
Press through all 4 corners of feet to stand.
Don’t let shoulders round forward as you curl.
Try to keep chest upright the entire time.
Regression: Lighter DB’s.
2. Burpee with pushup to Alt Snatch
Use heavy DB.
Alternate which hand holds the DB.
Keep a straight line from head to toes when you hop out into the plank.
Hop into a squat as you come back from the plank.
Make sure your snatch is one fluid movement - use your hips to power the DB all the from the ground to overhead.
Regression: Take out all the hops and/or use a lighter DB.
Challenge: Heavier DB.
3. Bear Alt Hand Lateral Taps
Use light band.
Keep knees directly under hips, and wrists directly under shoulders.
Core should be tight, with pelvis tucked under slightly (no arch in your back) and shoulders pulled down your back.
Knees should be to a hover above the mat.
Take small steps to the side just with your hands, in an alternating fashion.
Regression: Drop to your knees.
Challenge: Step hands and feet out to the side simultaneously.
4. High Boat to Low Boat (ea)
Start in a “high boat” with your legs bent at 90 degrees, heels off the floor, torso leaning back.
Keep palms facing up the entire time.
When you go into “low boat” try to keep your shoulders and your heels off the ground but get as close to the ground as possible.
Regression: Boat heels taps
5. Broad Jump + High Knees
Drop down into a squat, swing arms back behind you and then explode forward as far as you can jump.
Land in a squat and immediately go into just a few high knees each side (count to 3 or 4).
Regression: Squat, then jog in place for a few seconds.