Monday, April 1, 2019
Lower Body (Pull Focus)
Timed Intervals:
60 on, 15 off, 50 on, 15 off, 40 on, 10 off, 30 on 10 off.
(Basically… about 4 min per exercise)
For today…
Perform each move in order for 60 seconds, then 50, then 40, etc… resting up to 1 minute in between rounds.
EXAMPLE: 60 on 15 off for exercises 1-5. Rest 1 minute. 50 on 15 off for exercises 1-5. Rest 1 minute. 40 on 10 off for exercises 1-5. Rest 1 minute. 30 on 10 off for exercises 1-5. DONE.
DB Good AM
Mini Band Single leg RDL + Glute kick back
DB Single leg RDL + lateral raise
DB Swings
Choose light dumbbells to start. If you’re used to this movement, go with the heavier DB’s.
Using that hip hinge again, reach hips back behind you while maintaining a slight bend in your knees.
Keep DB’s as close to your legs are possible throughout the movement.
You can stop mid-shin with the weights.
Regression: Stop right under the knees.
Challenge: Slow 5 seconds on the eccentric or heavier DB’s.
2. DB Good AM
Hold heavy DB Behind neck or in front of chest.
Keep feet hip width apart, maintaining soft bend in knees.
Hip hinge back and go as low as you can, aiming for your chest being parallel with the ground.
Regression: Body weight.
Challenge: Heavier DB or add a 3 second pause at the bottom of the movement.
3. Mini Band Single leg RDL + Glute kick back
Use a light to medium resistance mini band.
Switch legs halfway through each round.
Hold band in both hands.
Keep shoulders pulled back and lats engaged the entire time.
Keep slight bend in your standing leg.
Bend other leg back to 90 degree angle, foot flexed.
As you lower down into the RDL, kick your back leg up towards the ceiling.
Regression: No mini band, and/or can hold onto a wall.
Challenge: heavier band.
4. DB Single leg RDL + Lateral Raise
Switch legs halfway through each round.
Choose light weights that you can perform a lateral raise with.
Stabilize on one leg and make sure your core is engaged the entire time.
Slight bend in the standing leg - knee is not locked out.
As you stand and raise the dumbbells out to the side, refrain from lifting them higher than shoulder height.
Regression: Double leg RDL.
Challenge: After the RDL, go into a reverse lunge and add the lateral raise in at the bottom of the lunge.
5. DB Swings
Choose a heavy DB.
Weight is in your heels, push your hips back and let your chest drop down towards the ground, with just a slight bend at the knees.
Your hips should never be lower than where they started, just back further.
All of the power you generate to swing the DB up should be coming from your glutes. Your arms virtually do nothing at all.
Regression: Good mornings (linked).
Challenge: Heavier weight.